Image Warpper

Bezier Curve Evaluation Algorithm

A bézier line is an arc that is strictly based on a set number of points instead of on an ellipse. A bézier curve uses at least four points to draw on.
Bézier curves can be combined to form a Bézier spline, or generalized to higher dimensions to form Bézier surfaces

Linear Bézier curves

Given distinct points $P_0$ and $P_1$, a linear Bézier curve is simply a straight line between those two points. The curve is given by
$$B ( t ) = P_0 + t ( P_1-P_0) = (1 - t)P_0 + tP_1 , 0 \leq t \leq 1$$

The coeficients, $b_i$ are the control points or Bézier points and together with the basis function $B_{i,n}(t)$determine the shape of the curve. Lines drawn between consecutive control points of the curve form the control polygon. A cubic Bezier curve together with its control polyg`on is shown in Fig. 1.1. Bezier curves have the following properties:

  • Geometry invariance property: Partition of unity property of the Bernstein polynomial assures the invariance of the shape of the Bézier curve under translation and rotation of its control points

![avatar](./Bezier curve.png)

Fig. 1.1.

$Slerp(p, q, t)$, linear interplate two control points $p$ and $q$,

inline CPoint CBezier::lerp( CPoint & p, CPoint & q, double t )
    CPoint r = p * ( 1- t) + q * t;
    return r;

$deBoor(C0, C1, C2, C3, t)$, compute a point on the Bezier curve at parametert

inline CPoint CBezier::deBoor( CPoint & c0, CPoint & c1, CPoint & c2, CPoint & c3, double t )
    //Modify this procedure 
    CPoint C01 = lerp( c0, c1, t );
    CPoint C12 = lerp( c1, c2, t ); 
    CPoint C23 = lerp( c2, c3, t );
    CPoint C012 = lerp( C01, C12, t );
    CPoint C123 = lerp( C12, C23, t );
    CPoint C0123 = lerp( C012, C123, t );
    return C0123;

Bezier Surface Evaluation Algorithm

Given a control net $C[4][4]$, and $2D$ parameters $uv$, evaluate the point on the Bezier surface constructed from the control net at the parameters $uv$, the algorithm evaluate the point p[k] on four Bezier curves controlled by points m_control_net$[k][0]$, m_control_net$[k][1]$, m_control_net$[k][2]$, m_control_net$[k][3]$, then evaluate the point on the Bezier curve controlled by $D[0], D[1], D[2], uv[3]$.
inline CPoint CBezier::evaluate( CPoint2 uv )
    //Modify this procedure
    CPoint D[4];
    for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
        D[k] = deBoor(m_control_net[k][0], m_control_net[k][1], m_control_net[k][2], m_control_net[k][3], uv[0]);
    CPoint r = deBoor( D[0], D[1], D[2], D[3], uv[1] );
    return r;

Image Warpping

The image is embedded in the unit square, the unit square is deformed by a nonlinear mapping $\phi :S \rightarrow \Re^2 $, where $S$ is the unit square. The mapping is modeled as Bezier surface, controlled by the control net.

$$\phi(u, v) = \sum_{i=0}^3\sum_{j=0}^3B_3^i(u)B_3^j(v)C_{ij},$$
where ${C_{ij} }$ form the control net,$B_3^i$ is the Bernstein polynomial,

$$B_3^i(t) = C_3^i(1 − t)^i t^{3−i} ,$$



Fig. 4.1. Image Warpper On Brad Pitt
Fig. 4.2. Image Warpper On Lake
Fig. 4.3. Image Warpper On Wu

Explain your algorithm for each requirement

1. The first algorithm generates Bezier Line by $Slerp(p, q, t)$ and $deBoor(C0, C1, C2, C3, t)$
  1. The second algorithm generates Bezier Surface by iterating $deBoor(C0, C1, C2, C3, t)$

本文标题:Image Warpper

文章作者:Yinmin Zhang

发布时间:2019年06月23日 - 10:06

最后更新:2023年04月07日 - 16:04


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