Discrete Harmonic Map

  Discrete Harmonic Map (DHM) parameterizes disk-like surfaces by minimizing the Dirichlet energy of the (piece-wise linear) mapping functions. It is super easy to implement (if you are familiar with cotangent-weight Laplacian and have a linear solver at hand, it should take no more than a few hours) and generally gives good results. If you never heard about it, Misha’s class note might be helpful.

Source Code

Cotangent Edge Weight

template<typename M>
void CHarmonicMapper<M>::_calculate_edge_weight()
    //compute edge length
    for (M::MeshEdgeIterator eiter(m_pMesh); !eiter.end(); ++eiter)
        M::CEdge* pE = *eiter;
        M::CVertex* v1 = m_pMesh->edgeVertex1(pE);
        M::CVertex* v2 = m_pMesh->edgeVertex2(pE);
        pE->length() = (v1->point() - v2->point()).norm();

    //compute corner angle
    for (M::MeshEdgeIterator eiter(m_pMesh); !eiter.end(); ++eiter)
        M::CEdge* pE = *eiter;
        if (pE->boundary())

        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
            M::CHalfEdge* h = m_pMesh->edgeHalfedge(pE, i);

            double h_j = m_pMesh->halfedgeEdge((M::CHalfEdge*)h->he_next())->length();
            double h_k = m_pMesh->halfedgeEdge((M::CHalfEdge*)h->he_prev())->length();

            h->angle() = _inverse_cosine_law(h_j, h_k, pE->length());

    //compute edge weight
    for (M::MeshEdgeIterator eiter(m_pMesh); !eiter.end(); ++eiter)
        M::CEdge* pE = *eiter;
        M::CHalfEdge* h0 = m_pMesh->edgeHalfedge(pE, 0);
        M::CHalfEdge* h1 = m_pMesh->edgeHalfedge(pE, 1);

        pE->weight() = 0.5 * (1 / tan(h0->angle() + 1 / tan(h1->angle())));

Set Boundary Condition

template<typename M>
void CHarmonicMapper<M>::_set_boundary()
    //get the boundary half edge loop
    std::vector<M::CLoop*> & pLs =  m_boundary.loops();
    assert( pLs.size() == 1 );
    M::CLoop * pL = pLs[0];
    std::list<M::CHalfEdge*> & pHs = pL->halfedges();

    //compute the total length of the boundary
    double total_length = pL->length();

    //parameterize the boundary using arc length parameter
    double current_length = 0;
    for (std::list<M::CHalfEdge*>::iterator hiter = pHs.begin(); hiter != pHs.end(); hiter++) 
        M::CHalfEdge* pH = *hiter;

        M::CEdge* pE = m_pMesh->halfedgeEdge(pH);
        current_length += pE->length();
        double angle = 2 * PI / total_length * current_length;

        MeshLib::CPoint2* huv = new MeshLib::CPoint2(0.5 + 0.5 * cos(angle), 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(angle));
        M::CVertex* pV = m_pMesh->halfedgeTarget(pH);
        pV->huv() = *huv;

Iterative Algorithm for Harmonic Map

template<typename M>
void CHarmonicMapper<M>::_iterative_map( double epsilon )
    //fix the boundary

    //move interior each vertex to its center of neighbors

    for (M::MeshVertexIterator viter(m_pMesh); !viter.end(); ++viter) {
        M::CVertex* pV = *viter;
        if (pV->boundary())
        MeshLib::CPoint2* huv = new MeshLib::CPoint2(0, 0);
        pV->huv() = *huv;

    while (true)
        double error = -1e+10;
        //move interior each vertex to its center of neighbors
        for (M::MeshVertexIterator viter(m_pMesh); !viter.end(); ++viter) 
            M::CVertex* pV = *viter;
            if (pV->boundary())
            double total_weight = 0;
            CPoint2 huv(0, 0);
            for (M::VertexVertexIterator vviter(pV); !vviter.end(); ++vviter) 
                M::CVertex* pW = *vviter;
                M::CEdge* pE = m_pMesh->vertexEdge(pV, pW);
                double weight = pE->weight();
                total_weight += weight;
                huv = huv + pW->huv() * weight;
            huv = huv / total_weight;
            double _error = (pV->huv() - huv).norm();
            error = (_error > error) ? _error : error;
            pV->huv() = huv;

        if (error < epsilon) break;


Direct Algorithm for Harmonic Map (Extra Credit) & Numerical Method

template<typename M>
void CHarmonicMapper<M>::_map()

    //fix the boundary

    std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double> > A_coefficients;
    std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double> > B_coefficients;

    //set the matrix A
    for( M::MeshVertexIterator viter( m_pMesh ); !viter.end(); ++ viter )
        M::CVertex * pV = *viter;
        if( pV->boundary() ) continue;
        int vid = pV->idx();

        double sw = 0;
        for( M::VertexVertexIterator witer( pV ); !witer.end(); ++ witer )
            M::CVertex * pW = *witer;
            int wid = pW->idx();

            M::CEdge * e = m_pMesh->vertexEdge( pV, pW );
            double w = e->weight();

            if( pW->boundary() )
                B_coefficients.push_back( Eigen::Triplet<double>(vid,wid,w) );
                A_coefficients.push_back( Eigen::Triplet<double>(vid,wid, -w) );
            sw += w;
        A_coefficients.push_back( Eigen::Triplet<double>(vid,vid, sw ) );

    Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> A( m_interior_vertices, m_interior_vertices );

    Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> B( m_interior_vertices, m_boundary_vertices );
    A.setFromTriplets(A_coefficients.begin(), A_coefficients.end());
    B.setFromTriplets(B_coefficients.begin(), B_coefficients.end());

    Eigen::ConjugateGradient<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> solver;
    std::cerr << "Eigen Decomposition" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "Eigen Decomposition Finished" << std::endl;

    if( solver.info() != Eigen::Success )
        std::cerr << "Waring: Eigen decomposition failed" << std::endl;

    for( int k = 0; k < 2; k ++ )
        Eigen::VectorXd b(m_boundary_vertices);
        //set boundary constraints b vector
        for (M::MeshVertexIterator viter(m_pMesh); !viter.end(); ++viter) {
            M::CVertex* pV = *viter;
            if (!pV->boundary())
            int id = pV->idx();
            b(id) = pV->huv()[k];

        Eigen::VectorXd c(m_interior_vertices);
        c = B * b;

        Eigen::VectorXd x = solver.solve(c);
        if( solver.info() != Eigen::Success )
            std::cerr << "Waring: Eigen decomposition failed" << std::endl;

        //set the images of the harmonic map to interior vertices
        for (M::MeshVertexIterator viter(m_pMesh); !viter.end(); ++viter) {
            M::CVertex* pV = *viter;
            if (pV->boundary())
            int id = pV->idx();
            pV->huv()[k] = x(id);


Cotangent Edge Weight

Compute edge length

Compute the edge length, suppose $e = [v_i , v_j ]$, then
$$l(e) = |v_j − v_i |.$$

- use $MeshEdgeIterator$ to find all of edges on m_pMesh - use $m_pMesh->halfedgeVertex1(Edge)$ to find the first vertex of an edge - use $m_pMesh->halfedgeVertex2(Edge)$ to find the second vertex of an edge - $point.norm()$ calculate the norm of the CPoint $\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}$
for (M::MeshEdgeIterator eiter(m_pMesh); !eiter.end(); ++eiter)
        M::CEdge* pE = *eiter;
        M::CVertex* v1 = m_pMesh->edgeVertex1(pE);
        M::CVertex* v2 = m_pMesh->edgeVertex2(pE);
        pE->length() = (v1->point() - v2->point()).norm();

Compute corner angle

Compute the corner angles of each triangular face, suppose $[v_i , v_j , v_k ]$ is a face, with edges $e_i , e_j , e_k ,$ where e_i is against the vertex v_i . The corresponding edge lengths are $l_i , l_j$ and $l_k$ . The inversive cosine law gives
$$ \theta_i = acos \frac {l_j^2 + l_k^2 -l_i^2} {2 l_j l_k} $$
- use $MeshEdgeIterator$ to find all of edges on m_pMesh - use $pE->boundary()$ to judge whether the edge is on the boundary - use $m_pMesh->halfedgeEdge(halfedge)$ to attach halfedge to an edge - use $halfedge->he\_next()$ to find the next halfedge of a halfedge - $\_inverse\_cosine\_law(l_j,l_k,l_i)$ calculate the acos
for (M::MeshEdgeIterator eiter(m_pMesh); !eiter.end(); ++eiter)
        M::CEdge* pE = *eiter;
        if (pE->boundary())

        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
            M::CHalfEdge* h = m_pMesh->edgeHalfedge(pE, i);

            double h_j = m_pMesh->halfedgeEdge((M::CHalfEdge*)h->he_next())->length();
            double h_k = m_pMesh->halfedgeEdge((M::CHalfEdge*)h->he_prev())->length();

            h->angle() = _inverse_cosine_law(h_j, h_k, pE->length());

Compute edge weight

The cotangent edge weight is as follows. Suppose edge $[v_i , v_j , v_k ] $ and $[v_j , v_i , v_l ]$ share an edge $[v_i , v_j ]$, then $$w_{ij}=\frac 1 2 (cot\theta_k^{ij} + cot\theta_l^{ji})$$ - use $Edge->weight()$ to get the weight of edge - use $HalfEdge->angle()$ to get the angle of halfege - use $1/ tan(\theta)$ to calculate $cot\theta$
for (M::MeshEdgeIterator eiter(m_pMesh); !eiter.end(); ++eiter)
        M::CEdge* pE = *eiter;
        M::CHalfEdge* h0 = m_pMesh->edgeHalfedge(pE, 0);
        M::CHalfEdge* h1 = m_pMesh->edgeHalfedge(pE, 1);

        pE->weight() = 0.5 * (1 / tan(h0->angle() + 1 / tan(h1->angle())));

Set Boundary Condition

Get the boundary half edge loop

- use $Boundary.loops()$ to get the list of boundary loops - use $Loop->halfedge()$ to get the the list of haledges on the current boundary loop
    std::vector<M::CLoop*> & pLs =  m_boundary.loops();
    assert( pLs.size() == 1 );
    M::CLoop * pL = pLs[0];
    std::list<M::CHalfEdge*> & pHs = pL->halfedges();

Compute the total length of the boundary

Suppose the boundary vertices are sorted counter-clock-wisely, as $\{v_0 , v_1 , · · · , v_{n−1} \}$. The total length of the boundary is given by $$s = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}|v_{i+1}-v_i| $$ - use $Loop->length()$ to get the length of the current boundary loop
double total_length = pL->length();

Parameterize the boundary using arc length parameter

The image of $v_i \in \partial M$ is given by $$\begin{cases} \theta_i = \frac {2\pi} s \sum_{j=0}^{i-1}|v_{j+1}- v_j|\\ \phi(v_i)=(\frac {1+cos\theta_i} 2, \frac {1+sin\theta_i} 2) \end{cases}$$
    double current_length = 0;
    for (std::list<M::CHalfEdge*>::iterator hiter = pHs.begin(); hiter != pHs.end(); hiter++) 
        M::CHalfEdge* pH = *hiter;

        M::CEdge* pE = m_pMesh->halfedgeEdge(pH);
        current_length += pE->length();
        double angle = 2 * PI / total_length * current_length;

        MeshLib::CPoint2* huv = new MeshLib::CPoint2(0.5 + 0.5 * cos(angle), 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(angle));
        M::CVertex* pV = m_pMesh->halfedgeTarget(pH);
        pV->huv() = *huv;

Iterative Algorithm for Harmonic Map

First, for each interior vertex $v_i \notin \partial M$, set $\phi(v_i ) = (0, 0)$. Second, for each interior vertex, move its image to the mass center of the images of its neighbors, $$c_i = \frac {\sum_j w_{ij}\phi(v_j)} {\sum_j w_ij}, \phi(v_i)\leftarrow c_i$$ repeat this procedure, until the algorithm converges.

For each interior vertex $v_i \notin \partial M$, set $\phi(v_i ) = (0, 0)$

- use $pE->boundary()$ to judge whether the edge is on the boundary
for (M::MeshVertexIterator viter(m_pMesh); !viter.end(); ++viter) 
        M::CVertex* pV = *viter;
        if (pV->boundary())
        MeshLib::CPoint2* huv = new MeshLib::CPoint2(0, 0);
        pV->huv() = *huv;

Move interior each vertex to its center of neighbors

- use $MeshVertexIterator$ to find all of edges on m_pMesh - use $VertexVertexIterator$ to transverse all the neighboring vertices of a vertex - use $Edge->vertexEdge(vertex0, vertex2)$ to access an edge by its two end vertices - use $m_pMesh->weight()$ to get the weight of edge - use $Vertex->huv()$ to get the $\phi(v_i)$ of interior vertex
while (true)
        double error = -1e+10;
        for (M::MeshVertexIterator viter(m_pMesh); !viter.end(); ++viter) 
            M::CVertex* pV = *viter;
            if (pV->boundary())
            double total_weight = 0;
            CPoint2 huv(0, 0);
            for (M::VertexVertexIterator vviter(pV); !vviter.end(); ++vviter) 
                M::CVertex* pW = *vviter;
                M::CEdge* pE = m_pMesh->vertexEdge(pV, pW);
                double weight = pE->weight();
                total_weight += weight;
                huv = huv + pW->huv() * weight;
            huv = huv / total_weight;
            double _error = (pV->huv() - huv).norm();
            error = (_error > error) ? _error : error;
            pV->huv() = huv;

        if (error < epsilon) break;

Direct Algorithm for Harmonic Map (Extra Credit)

For each interior vertex $v_i \notin \partial M$, establish one linear equation
$$\sum_j w_{ij}(\phi(v_i)-\phi(v_j)) = 0$$
solve this sparse linear system, the result is the harmonic map.

//set boundary constraints b vector
for (M::MeshVertexIterator viter(m_pMesh); !viter.end(); ++viter)
    M::CVertex* pV = *viter;
    if (!pV->boundary())
    int id = pV->idx();
    b(id) = pV->huv()[k];
//set the images of the harmonic map to interior vertices
for (M::MeshVertexIterator viter(m_pMesh); !viter.end(); ++viter) 
    M::CVertex* pV = *viter;
    if (pV->boundary())
    int id = pV->idx();
    pV->huv()[k] = x(id);

This assignment uses Eigen library to solve large sparse linear system. The following commands will be useful.

std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double> > A_coefficients; 
A_coefficients.push_back( Eigen::Triplet<double>(vid,wid, -w) ); 
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> A( m_interior_vertices, m_interior_vertices );


A.setFromTriplets(A_coefficients.begin(), A_coefficients.end()); Eigen::ConjugateGradient<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> solver; 
std::cerr << "Eigen Decomposition" << std::endl; solver.compute(A); 
std::cerr << "Eigen Decomposition Finished" << std::endl;

if( solver.info() != Eigen::Success ) 
    std::cerr << "Waring: Eigen decomposition failed" << std::endl; 
Eigen::VectorXd b(m_boundary_vertices); 
Eigen::VectorXd x = solver.solve(c); 
if( solver.info() != Eigen::Success ) 
    std::cerr << "Waring: Eigen decomposition failed" << std::endl; 


In this section, we show the result of harmonic mapping separately.

  • Direct Algorithm for Harmonic Map(Fig. 3.1 & Fig. 3.2)
  • Iterative Algorithm for Harmonic Map(Fig. 3.3)
Fig. 3.1. Harmonic Map On Alex
Fig. 3.2. Harmonic Map On Sophie
Fig. 3.3. Iterative Harmonic Map On Sophie Data from sophie.uv.m
Vertex 54475 103.073 50.793 26.4526 {rgb=(0.117956 0.117956 0.117956) uv=(0.999907 0.490347)}
Vertex 54480 107.076 50.7952 27.7994 {rgb=(0.151779 0.151779 0.151779) uv=(0.999013 0.468605)}
Vertex 54487 108.817 50.7937 28.1584 {rgb=(0.156541 0.156541 0.156541) uv=(0.998355 0.459469)}
Vertex 54496 114.037 50.795 29.4016 {rgb=(0.174857 0.174857 0.174857) uv=(0.995353 0.431987)}
Vertex 54505 117.28 50.7941 29.6458 {rgb=(0.16433 0.16433 0.16433) uv=(0.992795 0.415427)}

Data generated by Direct Algorithm for Harmonic Map

Vertex 54475  0.999907 0.490347 0 {rgb=(0.117956 0.117956 0.117956)}
Vertex 54480  0.999013 0.468605 0 {rgb=(0.151779 0.151779 0.151779)}
Vertex 54487  0.998355 0.459469 0 {rgb=(0.156541 0.156541 0.156541)}
Vertex 54496  0.995353 0.431987 0 {rgb=(0.174857 0.174857 0.174857)}
Vertex 54505  0.992795 0.415427 0 {rgb=(0.16433 0.16433 0.16433)}

Data generated by Iterative Algorithm for Harmonic Map

Vertex 54475  0.999907 0.490347 0 {rgb=(0.117956 0.117956 0.117956)}
Vertex 54480  0.999013 0.468605 0 {rgb=(0.151779 0.151779 0.151779)}
Vertex 54487  0.998355 0.459469 0 {rgb=(0.156541 0.156541 0.156541)}
Vertex 54496  0.995353 0.431987 0 {rgb=(0.174857 0.174857 0.174857)}
Vertex 54505  0.992795 0.415427 0 {rgb=(0.16433 0.16433 0.16433)}

本文标题:Discrete Harmonic Map

文章作者:Yinmin Zhang

发布时间:2019年06月25日 - 10:06

最后更新:2023年04月07日 - 16:04


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