Discrete Harmonic Map (DHM) parameterizes disk-like surfaces by minimizing the Dirichlet energy of the (piece-wise linear) mapping functions. It is super easy to implement (if you are familiar with cotangent-weight Laplacian and have a linear solver at hand, it should take no more than a few hours) and generally gives good results. If you never heard about it, Misha’s class note might be helpful.
Source Code
Cotangent Edge Weight
template<typename M>
void CHarmonicMapper<M>::_calculate_edge_weight()
//compute edge length
for (M::MeshEdgeIterator eiter(m_pMesh); !eiter.end(); ++eiter)
M::CEdge* pE = *eiter;
M::CVertex* v1 = m_pMesh->edgeVertex1(pE);
M::CVertex* v2 = m_pMesh->edgeVertex2(pE);
pE->length() = (v1->point() - v2->point()).norm();
//compute corner angle
for (M::MeshEdgeIterator eiter(m_pMesh); !eiter.end(); ++eiter)
M::CEdge* pE = *eiter;
if (pE->boundary())
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
M::CHalfEdge* h = m_pMesh->edgeHalfedge(pE, i);
double h_j = m_pMesh->halfedgeEdge((M::CHalfEdge*)h->he_next())->length();
double h_k = m_pMesh->halfedgeEdge((M::CHalfEdge*)h->he_prev())->length();
h->angle() = _inverse_cosine_law(h_j, h_k, pE->length());
//compute edge weight
for (M::MeshEdgeIterator eiter(m_pMesh); !eiter.end(); ++eiter)
M::CEdge* pE = *eiter;
M::CHalfEdge* h0 = m_pMesh->edgeHalfedge(pE, 0);
M::CHalfEdge* h1 = m_pMesh->edgeHalfedge(pE, 1);
pE->weight() = 0.5 * (1 / tan(h0->angle() + 1 / tan(h1->angle())));
Set Boundary Condition
template<typename M>
void CHarmonicMapper<M>::_set_boundary()
//get the boundary half edge loop
std::vector<M::CLoop*> & pLs = m_boundary.loops();
assert( pLs.size() == 1 );
M::CLoop * pL = pLs[0];
std::list<M::CHalfEdge*> & pHs = pL->halfedges();
//compute the total length of the boundary
double total_length = pL->length();
//parameterize the boundary using arc length parameter
double current_length = 0;
for (std::list<M::CHalfEdge*>::iterator hiter = pHs.begin(); hiter != pHs.end(); hiter++)
M::CHalfEdge* pH = *hiter;
M::CEdge* pE = m_pMesh->halfedgeEdge(pH);
current_length += pE->length();
double angle = 2 * PI / total_length * current_length;
MeshLib::CPoint2* huv = new MeshLib::CPoint2(0.5 + 0.5 * cos(angle), 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(angle));
M::CVertex* pV = m_pMesh->halfedgeTarget(pH);
pV->huv() = *huv;
Iterative Algorithm for Harmonic Map
template<typename M>
void CHarmonicMapper<M>::_iterative_map( double epsilon )
//fix the boundary
//move interior each vertex to its center of neighbors
for (M::MeshVertexIterator viter(m_pMesh); !viter.end(); ++viter) {
M::CVertex* pV = *viter;
if (pV->boundary())
MeshLib::CPoint2* huv = new MeshLib::CPoint2(0, 0);
pV->huv() = *huv;
while (true)
double error = -1e+10;
//move interior each vertex to its center of neighbors
for (M::MeshVertexIterator viter(m_pMesh); !viter.end(); ++viter)
M::CVertex* pV = *viter;
if (pV->boundary())
double total_weight = 0;
CPoint2 huv(0, 0);
for (M::VertexVertexIterator vviter(pV); !vviter.end(); ++vviter)
M::CVertex* pW = *vviter;
M::CEdge* pE = m_pMesh->vertexEdge(pV, pW);
double weight = pE->weight();
total_weight += weight;
huv = huv + pW->huv() * weight;
huv = huv / total_weight;
double _error = (pV->huv() - huv).norm();
error = (_error > error) ? _error : error;
pV->huv() = huv;
if (error < epsilon) break;
Direct Algorithm for Harmonic Map (Extra Credit) & Numerical Method
template<typename M>
void CHarmonicMapper<M>::_map()
//fix the boundary
std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double> > A_coefficients;
std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double> > B_coefficients;
//set the matrix A
for( M::MeshVertexIterator viter( m_pMesh ); !viter.end(); ++ viter )
M::CVertex * pV = *viter;
if( pV->boundary() ) continue;
int vid = pV->idx();
double sw = 0;
for( M::VertexVertexIterator witer( pV ); !witer.end(); ++ witer )
M::CVertex * pW = *witer;
int wid = pW->idx();
M::CEdge * e = m_pMesh->vertexEdge( pV, pW );
double w = e->weight();
if( pW->boundary() )
B_coefficients.push_back( Eigen::Triplet<double>(vid,wid,w) );
A_coefficients.push_back( Eigen::Triplet<double>(vid,wid, -w) );
sw += w;
A_coefficients.push_back( Eigen::Triplet<double>(vid,vid, sw ) );
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> A( m_interior_vertices, m_interior_vertices );
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> B( m_interior_vertices, m_boundary_vertices );
A.setFromTriplets(A_coefficients.begin(), A_coefficients.end());
B.setFromTriplets(B_coefficients.begin(), B_coefficients.end());
Eigen::ConjugateGradient<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> solver;
std::cerr << "Eigen Decomposition" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Eigen Decomposition Finished" << std::endl;
if( solver.info() != Eigen::Success )
std::cerr << "Waring: Eigen decomposition failed" << std::endl;
for( int k = 0; k < 2; k ++ )
Eigen::VectorXd b(m_boundary_vertices);
//set boundary constraints b vector
for (M::MeshVertexIterator viter(m_pMesh); !viter.end(); ++viter) {
M::CVertex* pV = *viter;
if (!pV->boundary())
int id = pV->idx();
b(id) = pV->huv()[k];
Eigen::VectorXd c(m_interior_vertices);
c = B * b;
Eigen::VectorXd x = solver.solve(c);
if( solver.info() != Eigen::Success )
std::cerr << "Waring: Eigen decomposition failed" << std::endl;
//set the images of the harmonic map to interior vertices
for (M::MeshVertexIterator viter(m_pMesh); !viter.end(); ++viter) {
M::CVertex* pV = *viter;
if (pV->boundary())
int id = pV->idx();
pV->huv()[k] = x(id);
Cotangent Edge Weight
Compute edge length
Compute the edge length, suppose $e = [v_i , v_j ]$, then
$$l(e) = |v_j − v_i |.$$
for (M::MeshEdgeIterator eiter(m_pMesh); !eiter.end(); ++eiter)
M::CEdge* pE = *eiter;
M::CVertex* v1 = m_pMesh->edgeVertex1(pE);
M::CVertex* v2 = m_pMesh->edgeVertex2(pE);
pE->length() = (v1->point() - v2->point()).norm();
Compute corner angle
Compute the corner angles of each triangular face, suppose $[v_i , v_j , v_k ]$ is a face, with edges $e_i , e_j , e_k ,$ where e_i is against the vertex v_i . The corresponding edge lengths are $l_i , l_j$ and $l_k$ . The inversive cosine law gives$$ \theta_i = acos \frac {l_j^2 + l_k^2 -l_i^2} {2 l_j l_k} $$
- use $MeshEdgeIterator$ to find all of edges on m_pMesh
- use $pE->boundary()$ to judge whether the edge is on the boundary
- use $m_pMesh->halfedgeEdge(halfedge)$ to attach halfedge to an edge
- use $halfedge->he\_next()$ to find the next halfedge of a halfedge
- $\_inverse\_cosine\_law(l_j,l_k,l_i)$ calculate the acos
for (M::MeshEdgeIterator eiter(m_pMesh); !eiter.end(); ++eiter)
M::CEdge* pE = *eiter;
if (pE->boundary())
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
M::CHalfEdge* h = m_pMesh->edgeHalfedge(pE, i);
double h_j = m_pMesh->halfedgeEdge((M::CHalfEdge*)h->he_next())->length();
double h_k = m_pMesh->halfedgeEdge((M::CHalfEdge*)h->he_prev())->length();
h->angle() = _inverse_cosine_law(h_j, h_k, pE->length());
Compute edge weight
The cotangent edge weight is as follows. Suppose edge $[v_i , v_j , v_k ] $ and $[v_j , v_i , v_l ]$ share an edge $[v_i , v_j ]$, then $$w_{ij}=\frac 1 2 (cot\theta_k^{ij} + cot\theta_l^{ji})$$ - use $Edge->weight()$ to get the weight of edge - use $HalfEdge->angle()$ to get the angle of halfege - use $1/ tan(\theta)$ to calculate $cot\theta$for (M::MeshEdgeIterator eiter(m_pMesh); !eiter.end(); ++eiter)
M::CEdge* pE = *eiter;
M::CHalfEdge* h0 = m_pMesh->edgeHalfedge(pE, 0);
M::CHalfEdge* h1 = m_pMesh->edgeHalfedge(pE, 1);
pE->weight() = 0.5 * (1 / tan(h0->angle() + 1 / tan(h1->angle())));
Set Boundary Condition
Get the boundary half edge loop
- use $Boundary.loops()$ to get the list of boundary loops - use $Loop->halfedge()$ to get the the list of haledges on the current boundary loop std::vector<M::CLoop*> & pLs = m_boundary.loops();
assert( pLs.size() == 1 );
M::CLoop * pL = pLs[0];
std::list<M::CHalfEdge*> & pHs = pL->halfedges();
Compute the total length of the boundary
Suppose the boundary vertices are sorted counter-clock-wisely, as $\{v_0 , v_1 , · · · , v_{n−1} \}$. The total length of the boundary is given by $$s = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}|v_{i+1}-v_i| $$ - use $Loop->length()$ to get the length of the current boundary loopdouble total_length = pL->length();
Parameterize the boundary using arc length parameter
The image of $v_i \in \partial M$ is given by $$\begin{cases} \theta_i = \frac {2\pi} s \sum_{j=0}^{i-1}|v_{j+1}- v_j|\\ \phi(v_i)=(\frac {1+cos\theta_i} 2, \frac {1+sin\theta_i} 2) \end{cases}$$ double current_length = 0;
for (std::list<M::CHalfEdge*>::iterator hiter = pHs.begin(); hiter != pHs.end(); hiter++)
M::CHalfEdge* pH = *hiter;
M::CEdge* pE = m_pMesh->halfedgeEdge(pH);
current_length += pE->length();
double angle = 2 * PI / total_length * current_length;
MeshLib::CPoint2* huv = new MeshLib::CPoint2(0.5 + 0.5 * cos(angle), 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(angle));
M::CVertex* pV = m_pMesh->halfedgeTarget(pH);
pV->huv() = *huv;
Iterative Algorithm for Harmonic Map
First, for each interior vertex $v_i \notin \partial M$, set $\phi(v_i ) = (0, 0)$. Second, for each interior vertex, move its image to the mass center of the images of its neighbors, $$c_i = \frac {\sum_j w_{ij}\phi(v_j)} {\sum_j w_ij}, \phi(v_i)\leftarrow c_i$$ repeat this procedure, until the algorithm converges.For each interior vertex $v_i \notin \partial M$, set $\phi(v_i ) = (0, 0)$
- use $pE->boundary()$ to judge whether the edge is on the boundaryfor (M::MeshVertexIterator viter(m_pMesh); !viter.end(); ++viter)
M::CVertex* pV = *viter;
if (pV->boundary())
MeshLib::CPoint2* huv = new MeshLib::CPoint2(0, 0);
pV->huv() = *huv;
Move interior each vertex to its center of neighbors
- use $MeshVertexIterator$ to find all of edges on m_pMesh - use $VertexVertexIterator$ to transverse all the neighboring vertices of a vertex - use $Edge->vertexEdge(vertex0, vertex2)$ to access an edge by its two end vertices - use $m_pMesh->weight()$ to get the weight of edge - use $Vertex->huv()$ to get the $\phi(v_i)$ of interior vertexwhile (true)
double error = -1e+10;
for (M::MeshVertexIterator viter(m_pMesh); !viter.end(); ++viter)
M::CVertex* pV = *viter;
if (pV->boundary())
double total_weight = 0;
CPoint2 huv(0, 0);
for (M::VertexVertexIterator vviter(pV); !vviter.end(); ++vviter)
M::CVertex* pW = *vviter;
M::CEdge* pE = m_pMesh->vertexEdge(pV, pW);
double weight = pE->weight();
total_weight += weight;
huv = huv + pW->huv() * weight;
huv = huv / total_weight;
double _error = (pV->huv() - huv).norm();
error = (_error > error) ? _error : error;
pV->huv() = huv;
if (error < epsilon) break;
Direct Algorithm for Harmonic Map (Extra Credit)
For each interior vertex $v_i \notin \partial M$, establish one linear equation
$$\sum_j w_{ij}(\phi(v_i)-\phi(v_j)) = 0$$
solve this sparse linear system, the result is the harmonic map.
//set boundary constraints b vector
for (M::MeshVertexIterator viter(m_pMesh); !viter.end(); ++viter)
M::CVertex* pV = *viter;
if (!pV->boundary())
int id = pV->idx();
b(id) = pV->huv()[k];
//set the images of the harmonic map to interior vertices
for (M::MeshVertexIterator viter(m_pMesh); !viter.end(); ++viter)
M::CVertex* pV = *viter;
if (pV->boundary())
int id = pV->idx();
pV->huv()[k] = x(id);
This assignment uses Eigen library to solve large sparse linear system. The following commands will be useful.
std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double> > A_coefficients;
A_coefficients.push_back( Eigen::Triplet<double>(vid,wid, -w) );
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> A( m_interior_vertices, m_interior_vertices );
A.setFromTriplets(A_coefficients.begin(), A_coefficients.end()); Eigen::ConjugateGradient<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> solver;
std::cerr << "Eigen Decomposition" << std::endl; solver.compute(A);
std::cerr << "Eigen Decomposition Finished" << std::endl;
if( solver.info() != Eigen::Success )
std::cerr << "Waring: Eigen decomposition failed" << std::endl;
Eigen::VectorXd b(m_boundary_vertices);
Eigen::VectorXd x = solver.solve(c);
if( solver.info() != Eigen::Success )
std::cerr << "Waring: Eigen decomposition failed" << std::endl;
In this section, we show the result of harmonic mapping separately.
- Direct Algorithm for Harmonic Map(Fig. 3.1 & Fig. 3.2)
- Iterative Algorithm for Harmonic Map(Fig. 3.3)
Vertex 54475 103.073 50.793 26.4526 {rgb=(0.117956 0.117956 0.117956) uv=(0.999907 0.490347)}
Vertex 54480 107.076 50.7952 27.7994 {rgb=(0.151779 0.151779 0.151779) uv=(0.999013 0.468605)}
Vertex 54487 108.817 50.7937 28.1584 {rgb=(0.156541 0.156541 0.156541) uv=(0.998355 0.459469)}
Vertex 54496 114.037 50.795 29.4016 {rgb=(0.174857 0.174857 0.174857) uv=(0.995353 0.431987)}
Vertex 54505 117.28 50.7941 29.6458 {rgb=(0.16433 0.16433 0.16433) uv=(0.992795 0.415427)}
Data generated by Direct Algorithm for Harmonic Map
Vertex 54475 0.999907 0.490347 0 {rgb=(0.117956 0.117956 0.117956)}
Vertex 54480 0.999013 0.468605 0 {rgb=(0.151779 0.151779 0.151779)}
Vertex 54487 0.998355 0.459469 0 {rgb=(0.156541 0.156541 0.156541)}
Vertex 54496 0.995353 0.431987 0 {rgb=(0.174857 0.174857 0.174857)}
Vertex 54505 0.992795 0.415427 0 {rgb=(0.16433 0.16433 0.16433)}
Data generated by Iterative Algorithm for Harmonic Map
Vertex 54475 0.999907 0.490347 0 {rgb=(0.117956 0.117956 0.117956)}
Vertex 54480 0.999013 0.468605 0 {rgb=(0.151779 0.151779 0.151779)}
Vertex 54487 0.998355 0.459469 0 {rgb=(0.156541 0.156541 0.156541)}
Vertex 54496 0.995353 0.431987 0 {rgb=(0.174857 0.174857 0.174857)}
Vertex 54505 0.992795 0.415427 0 {rgb=(0.16433 0.16433 0.16433)}